Workplace Supervisor
Become a Workplace Supervisor today!
Role of the Workplace Supervisor
All candidates completing a Royal Life Saving Pool Lifeguard, Technical Operations and/or Swim Teacher course in NSW, the ACT or in Tasmania are required to gain practical experience in the workplace through supervised practical activities.
This On-The-Job training can only be verified by an approved and registered Royal Life Saving Workplace Supervisor. This quality assurance measure ensures that a candidate's performance is in line with industry standards, and is overseen by someone with the relevant industry skills and knowledge.
The role of the Workplace Supervisor is to ensure that the candidate has been observed and supervised while completing the tasks outlined in their relevant On-the-Job Assessment Activities Workbooks, or, in their Online Learning Assessments:
The requirements of a Pool Lifeguard Workplace Supervisor is to assist, supervise and sign off on the components outlined in the Pool Lifeguard Licence Application.
The requirements for Technical Operations Workplace Supervisors is to assist, supervise and sign off on the components outlines in the Technical Operations On-The-Job Assessment Workbook.
The requirements of a Swim Teacher Workplace Supervisor is to assist, supervise and sign off on the components outlined in the Swim Teacher Licence Application.
Workplace Supervisor Application
It is important that a Workplace Supervisor has the appropriate skills, knowledge and expertise to be able to monitor a candidate’s progress.
To submit a successful application:
Complete the Workplace Supervisor Application Form; complete with endorsee details and signatures.
Email the Workplace Supervisor Application Form, attach relevant qualifications/licences (as listed below) to: nsw@royalnsw.com.au
Incomplete applications will be returned, unprocessed. -
A Royal Life Saving NSW Staff Member will contact you with instructions to log into and complete the Workplace Supervisor Online Program. Upon completion, a Workplace Supervisor Certificate will be issued.
Pool Lifeguard Workplace Supervisor
Pool Lifeguard Workplace Supervisors must possess the following :
A current Pool Lifeguard Skillset
A minimum of 2 years’ experience as a qualified/licenced Pool Lifeguard
Induction at the facility in which the applicant intends to undertake Workplace Supervision activities.
Technical Operations Workplace Supervisor
Technical Operations Workplace Supervisors must possess the following:
An Aquatic Technical Operator Skillset (or equivalent)
A minimum of 2 years’ experience as a qualified Aquatic Technical Operator
Induction at the facility in which the applicant intends to undertake Workplace Supervision activities.