Aquatic Facility of the Year
Royal Life Saving Awards Gala
This award recognises exceptional aquatic facilities and swim schools that demonstrateexcellence in safety, community impact, innovative programming, and operationalmanagement. It celebrates facilities that provide outstanding service, promote water safetyeducation, and enhance accessibility, user satisfaction, and environmental sustainability.
Award Criteria
For entry into this category submissions should answer the following:
Operational Excellence - Demonstrate excellence in managing your facility or swim school,including safety standards, programming, and alignment with the Royal Life SavingGuidelines for Safe Pool Operations (GSPO).
Community Impact: Highlight initiatives, events, or partnerships that have positivelyimpacted your local community. Provide examples of measurable outcomes and benefits.
Commitment to Water Safety - Detail your facility’s or swim school’s contributions topromoting water safety education, training, and awareness, including any uniqueapproaches or programs.
Environmental and Sustainability Practices: Highlight sustainability and environmentalpractices your facility/swim school has implemented, with examples of how these contributeto operational efficiency and community wellbeing.
Staff Development and Retention: Detail your efforts in staff development and retention.Include training programs, professional development, and any initiatives aimed atsupporting staff growth and satisfaction. Explain how these efforts have contributed to ahigh-quality, motivated, and well-trained team.
Your Details
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