Royal Life Saving NSW School Holiday Program
Aligned to the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework and Swim & Survive
program, SwimVAC programs encompass nationally recognised swimming and
water safety benchmarks teaching swimming and personal safety skills to children
of all skill abilities.
SwimVAC is targeted at children from 6months - 14 years of age with the aim of getting as many children as possible to the 6 and 12 year-old national benchmarks for swimming and water safety.
For further information about the framework and benchmarks please click here.
Our SwimVAC program includes:
Programs available for children from 6months of age
Flexible 5 or 10 day program options (Ensure you book into each week if wanting 10 days)
Parent/Carer and Preschool classes (30mins) at a cost of $40 per week. All School Age classes
(45mins) at a cost of $50 per week. -
A nationally accredited Swimming and Water Safety program suitable to children of all ability levels
Aligned with the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework
Swim & Survive curriculum, lesson plans, and certificates provided by Royal Life Saving
Parent support resources
Active Kids vouchers are accepted please email a copy with the child’s date of birth and requested time and level to swimandsurvive@royalnsw.com.au

To assist with what level to place your child into please refer to the table below:
SwimVAC Locations
Please see below for the list of facilities that will be running the SwimVAC Program in 2025.

Note: Please contact the facility or council for the exact entry fee and additional information specific to the facility.
Marketing Toolkit
With thanks to our supporting partner