Even though people often assume that the waters in and around Australia are warm, there are many places where the water is cold for a large portion of the year. The extreme effects of cold water on the body and its ability to function means there is an increased risk of drowning.
Whilst swimming in winter is uncommon, other aquatic activities like boating and fishing are popular year round. Drowning is still a risk, even when victims had no intention to go in the water. Lifejackets increase the chance of survival when immersed in cold water. Lifejackets keep people afloat and help them retain heat until rescued.
Accidental falls into water are, surprisingly, one of the leading causes for drowning deaths. Slippery banks, poor weather conditions and alcohol are all factors which can contribute to falls into water.
Alcohol increases your chance of getting hypothermia. In cold situations, the body will attempt to draw blood away from the limbs and to the vital organs to prevent heat loss. Alcohol, however, prevents this and therefore increases the chance of hypothermia
There are three phases of the body’s response to cold water immersion
Phase 1
Initial immersion and cold shock response
Occurs within the first 1 to 4 minutes
Increase in metabolism
Rapid skin cooling initiates immediate gasp response, inability to hold breath and hyperventilation
Phase 2
Short term immersion and loss of performance
Significant cooling of peripheral tissues, especially in the extremities, continues with most of the effects occurring over the first 30 minutes
Phase 3
Long term immersion and the onset of hypothermia
Continuous heat loss from the body eventually decreases core temperature
Hypothermia usually only becomes a contributor to death if immersion lasts for more than 30 minutes
The key to cold water survival is to conserve body heat. If you find yourself unexpectedly immersed in cold water, discard only heavy garments. Clothing, particularly protective clothing, will help prevent the loss of body heat. Ordinary clothing can reduce the cooling rate by 50%. It is important to retain head covering because a large proportion of heat is lost via the head.
Stay calm, rapid movement causes faster heat loss. Stay afloat on your back and hold any buoyant object if available. Adopt the ‘Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) technique’ by drawing your knees to your chin, keeping your legs together, pressing both arms against your side and keeping your head out of the water.
Signal for help by raising one arm above the head with an open hand, shout for help and stay calm.
The key factor in a rescue is self-preservation. Always ensure safety to yourself and don’t put yourself in danger.
Shout for assistance and phone emergency services on 000
Talk to them, reassure and signal to assist
Try and reach them from the land by lying chest down on the ground, reach out with a solid object such as a branch, post or umbrella
Throw a buoyant aid such as a lifejacket or a rescue ring
Be prepared – Check the weather report and monitor the conditions of the water before going out
Always wear a lifejacket when boating or in a watercraft – Ensure that lifejackets are worn by all people on board, are properly fitted and regularly serviced
Never go alone – Always go with someone else and inform others of your destination and when you intend to return, particularly in remote locations
Avoid alcohol around water – Alcohol impairs judgement and increases risk-taking behaviour, affects coordination and reaction time, making it difficult to get out of trouble