Royal Life Saving NSW seeks industry and community consultation on our proposed Best Practice Guide for Multicultural Inclusion in Aquatic Facilities.
The purpose of this document is to ensure that the review and publication (and subsequent reviews) of the Best Practice Guide for Multicultural Inclusion in Aquatic Facilities are conducted and verified for adequacy and that input to the Guide is consultative and controlled effectively.

Step 1 – Initial Guidelines Review has been conducted and completed, with endorsements to proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 - CURRENT | Focused Guideline Consultation and Review
In this step, we ask all stakeholders to consider the following:
Content and Accuracy
Grammar and spelling check
Evaluation of significant differences between the current and proposed guide
Publication and Implementation Plans
Adoption and Rewarding of Implementation
Feedback - Feedback will be accepted in the following formats:
Written – preferably in word document
Electronic via email
Individuals who identify areas for improvement regarding guidelines should submit their feedback detailing the following:
Identify the section of the Guideline to which the improvement is for or alternatively identify the words “add new”
Describe the issue with the current sections
Specify the recommended changes
Download the Best Practice Guide for Multicultural Inclusion in Aquatic Facilities NSW below:
Please send all correspondence to RLS Cultural Coordinator, Ying Fan |
Feedback submissions close on Friday 2 September 2022.