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NSW Gov Population Health


The NSW Population Health Survey provides an annual assessment of NSW population levels of physical activity. These surveys assess population levels of physical activity (PA) compared to World Health Organisation (WHO) and Australian National Guidelines of PA to improve health.

WHO (2020) global recommendations on physical activity (minimum) are: Adults (aged 18 to 64) should do at least 150 minutes weekly of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week – or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity, or an equivalent combination (walking would be considered moderate, whereas running would be considered vigorous).

Children (aged 5 to 17) should accumulate an average of at least 60 minutes daily of moderate physical activity through play, games, sports, transportation, chores, recreation and/or planned exercise.

NSW data indicates that 23.0% of children aged 5 to 15 years (NSW Child Health Survey 2018-19) and 61.5% of adults (NSW Adult Population Health Survey 2019) met (have adequate) recommended levels of physical activity.

2020 Calendar year AusPlay data highlighted that a number of groups participated less regularly in sport and active recreation (defined as three times per week) than the general adult population in NSW (63.9%) including: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders – 55.5% People with Disability – 55.7% Language other than English – 59.0%


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